OnBase University is an educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to baseball and softball. OnBase University's mission is to educate baseball and softball players and industry professionals on the Body-Baseball Connection™ or the Body-Softball Connection™ through its one of a kind ‘OnBaseU Certified’ educational program. This program was developed by OnBaseU's Advisory Board of industry leading experts. Use this site to find a OnBaseU Certified pro near you.
OnBase University certified professionals don’t believe there is only one technically correct way to play baseball or softball. We believe there are an infinite number of ways to play the game. But we do believe that there is one efficient way for every athlete to play and it is based on what they can physically do. In other words, we try to match an athlete’s physical abilities to their technical skills. This helps them perform at the highest level possible.
Every sport has unique movement patterns. OnBase University is an organization dedicated to studying how the body moves in the sports of baseball and softball and how to assess an athlete's physical ability to perform these movement patterns.
Comprised of leading experts in the baseball and softball coaching, fitness and medical industries, OnBase University has created a comprehensive Certification program that gives industry professionals the tools necessary to quickly screen players for any physical limitations and a deep knowledge of how those limitations can affect their performance as well as simple guidelines to help get them back on track.